Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Simple Present Tense, Present Continous Tense, Present Perfect Tense

Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan karena kebiasaan atau digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan sehari-hari.
1.      Kalimat tanpa menggunakan verba
S + to be (am, is, are) + Comp

2.      Kalimat dengan menggunakan verba
(+) S + V1 (s/es) + Comp
(-)  S + does/do + V1 + Comp
(?) Does/do + S + V1 + Comp
Contoh :
1.      Kalimat tanpa menggunakan verba
(1)   (+) She is my nephew.
(-)  She is not my nephew.
(?) Is She your nephew?
(2)   (+) They are the visitors.
(-)  They are not the visitors.
(?) Are they the visitors?
2.      Kalimat dengan menggunakan verba
(1)   (+) Mr. Adam visits Solo every year.
(-)  Mr. Adam does not visit Solo every year.
(?) Does Mr. Adam visit Solo every year?
Ø  Kalimat Aktif : Mr. Adam visits Solo every year.
Ø  Kalimat Pasif : Solo is visited by Mr. Adam every year.
(2)   (+) Someone erases the White Board every morning.
(-)  Someone does not erase the White Board every morning.
(?) Does Someone erase the White Board every morning?
Ø  Kalimat Aktif : Someone erases the White Board every morning.
Ø  Kalimat Pasif : The White Board is erased by Someone every morning.

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan ataupun peristiwa yang terjadi pada saat (waktu) sekarang atau bisa juga disebut suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung.


            S + to be (am, is, are) + V.ing + Comp

            S + to be (am, is, are) + not + V.ing + Comp

            To be + S + V.ing + Comp


Contoh :

(1)   (+) Arnold is washing the bike right now.

(-)  Arnold is not washing the bike right now.

(?) Is Arnold washing the bike right now?

Ø  Kalimat Aktif : Arnold is washing the bike right now.

Ø  Kalimat Pasif : The bike is being washed by Arnold right now.

(2)   (+) Ezra and Hafidz are paling Dart Board tonight.

(-)  Ezra and Hafidz are not playing Dart Board tonight.

(?) Are Ezra and Hafidz playing Dart Board tonight?

Ø  Kalimat Aktif : Ezra and Hafidz are playing Dart Board tonight.

Ø  Kalimat Pasif : Dart Board is being played by Ezra and Hafidz tonight.


Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu namun efeknya masih berlanjut.


1.      Kalimat tanpa menggunakan verba

S + have/has + been + Comp


2.      Kalimat dengan menggunakan verba

(+) S + have/has + V3 + Comp

(-)  S + have/has + not + V3 + Comp

(?) Have/has + S + V3 + Comp

Contoh :
1.      Kalimat tanpa menggunakan verba
(1)   (+) He has been in UK for two years.
(-)  He has not been in UK for two years.
(?) Has he been in UK for two years?

(2)   (+) Tama has been here since last week.
(-)  Tama has not been here since last week.
(?) Has Tama been here since last week?

2.      Kalimat dengan menggunakan verba
(1)   (+) I have written a letter to you.
(-)  I have not written a letter to you.
(?) Have you written a letter to me?
Ø  Kalimat Aktif : I have written a letter to you.
Ø  Kalimat Pasif : A letter has been written to you by me.

(2)   (+) He has called me last night.
(-) He has not been called me last night.
(?) Has he called you last night?
Ø  Kalimat Aktif : He has called me last night.
Ø  Kalimat Pasif : I have been called by him last night.

Sumber :

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